3. Fuel savings and environmental footprint
The Framo cargo pumping system can save up to 80%, or 40 metric tons of fuel per cargo discharge, compared to conventional steam-driven pump room solutions. With Framo deck-mounted cargo heaters, an additional 60 tons of fuel can be saved on a 20-day voyage
4. Enabling more storage space
With the cargo pumps submerged inside the cargo tanks, and ballast pumps inside double-side ballast tanks, there is no need for a pump room. Eliminating the pump room can add up to 2,000 m3 of valuable storage volume to the vessel. A 2% increase in cargo carrying volume can be achieved, as well as an increase in the overall safety level, as the pump room represents a hazardous area.
5. Reduced number of boilers
Only one boiler is needed since the steam-driven turbines can be removed. A 30-ton boiler is sufficient for cargo heating and tank cleaning.
6. Simplified piping maintenance
With cargo piping running on deck, where it is easier to inspect and maintain, there is 60% savings in piping and valves. The simplified cargo piping system is much easier to drain and strip.
7. Increased cargo flexibility
Efficient cargo switches are made possible by the built-in stripping device – as little as 60 litres of cargo remaining in the tank.
8. Fewer ballast voyages
Facilitating an efficient and easier switch between different grades of cargoes increases opportunities for triangulation, with less time in ballast.
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