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Framo LiftUP Solutions

Framo LiftUP Cones for mort pumps

Framo LiftUP delivers dead fish pumps for collecting dead fish through various stages of the farming cycle. We have developed a range of collectors that suit our customers' different needs. Find the LiftUP dead fish pump that suits your needs here.

Framo LiftUP Slamsystem

Framo LiftUP system that will revolutionize operations in the fjords

  • Smaller local footprint
  • Shorter fallowing periods
  • Collection of pellets, better feeding control
  • Opportunity for larger smolt and higher utilization of the location
  • Good for sites with low oxygen and currents

Framo LiftUP Back to barge system

Framo LiftUP Back to barge system consists of one or two main pipes, also known as collector pipes, that stretch from the silk tank on the float and branch out to each individual pen. The layout of the collector pipe depends on the location of the pens.

William Lindborg
Sales and Marketing Engineer
Kjetil Eliassen
Sales and Marketing Engineer
Ole Kristian Skåtun
Mort Pumps Sales
Magnus Holmefjord
General Manager

Sustainable Aquaculture

Increased efficiency and better fish health.

Framo Pumping Solutions

The best fish deserve the best pumping solutions. See our products.

Framo test facilities

Framo has labs, trial facilities, and a dedicated testing dock.

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