How Framo AquaStream provides healthier fish and faster growth
The challenge Framo got from the fish farmers, is to recreate the natural currents and water exchange to obtain same optimal conditions as in the Norwegian fjords, by pumping fresh water into a pen with lice skirt.
Liice skirts in pens helps to reduce the lice problem, but at the same time reduce the water flow in the cage. With less water exchange and less oxygen, water quality deteriorates. This affects both fish health and fish welfare. With the Framo AquaStream, large amounts of fresh seawater are pumped up from under the algae and lice belt.
When AquaStream creates more currents in the cage, the fish become more active and develops a better appetite.
Framo AquaStream quickly and efficiently replaces the water inside the lice skirt within one hour with fresh oxygen-rich seawater.
Framo AquaStream ensures more consistent water temperature in the pen. During summer when surface water is warm, it draws up fresh oxygen-rich tempered water. During winter when water is cold, AquaStream draws up warmer water, thus minimizing the possibility of winter sores and providing optimal growth conditions for the salmon.
AquaStream is a complete pumping system for cages with lice skirts. Integrated in Framo AquaStream is the SR2000 pump, duct tunnel with nozzle tower, strainer, float and control system.
SR2000 is a permanent magnet motor, rim-driven flow generator, designed to pump large amounts of water in systems with low back pressure. The efficient pump has water-lubricated bearings. There is no lub-oil in the system and the engine has no gears nor shafts. Typical capacities are between 2,8 and 5,6 m3 per second.
Kontakt oss
Sustainable Aquaculture with Framo
Framo Aquaculture Solutions
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