
Framo Training Courses 2025

Dates & rates

Please contact us in advance if you are interested in joining one of the courses.

The Framo online standard training seminar:

 9 - 10 April

The Framo online 

21 - 22 May, 2-3 December

The Framo standard marine training seminar 

Bergen: 21 - 23 January, and 19 - 21 August

Athens: 4 - 6 February, 8 - 10 April, 12 - 14 May, and 9 - 11 September

Houston: 4 - 6 March, and 7 - 9 October 

Shanghai: 18 - 20 March, and 28 - 30 October

Rotterdam: 2 - 4 September

Tokyo: 1 - 2 October

Busan: 15- 16 October

Dubai: 18 - 20 November

Find the course suitable for you or your team, or contact Framo Training Department for other options.

At the Bergen Seminar, day two is at a Framo Factory (Fusa) 

The Framo training marine seminar for superintendents:

As the demand for superintendent seminars is typically high, extra seminars can be arranged upon request.

Rotterdam: 21 - 23 January

Singapore: 18 - 20 February, 17 -19 June, and 4 - 6 November    

Bergen: 25 - 27 February 

At the Bergen Seminar, day two is at a Framo Factory (Fusa)



Standard training rates:

  • Online courses  – USD 900
  • Three-day standard seminar – USD1,200
  • Three-day seminar for superintendents – USD1,200
  • Tailor -made Training courses: see link
  • On Board Training: see link


Framo Standard Training Seminars in Operations and Maintenance cover:

  • Correct operation during discharging, stripping, tank washing and cargo heating.
  • Trouble shooting and maintenance of the main components in the system
  • "Hands-on" training on main components, such as: Cargo pumps, control valves, relief valves, etc


Framo training team arrange courses at:

  • Framo Training Center, Bergen, Norway
  • Framo offices world wide: Houston, Rotterdam, Singapore, Korea, Japan, Brazil, Dubai and China
  • On board training - Framo instructors riding the ship for 3 - 5 days
  • The yard/ in your office / job location - world wide