Framo pumping systems Powered by Customers

Framo marine pumping systems

Framo offshore pumping systems

Framo aquaculture systems

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Welcome to Framo

Safe, efficient and reliable pumping systems.

For over half a century, our world-leading pump technology has revolutionized marine cargo pumping. Framo has supplied cargo pumping systems to the majority of chemical and product tankers worldwide, and are recognized as a standard in the marine industry. We are also driving greater short-term and long-term profitability in hundreds of oil and gas installations worldwide.
Our strong customer focus, unique pumping concepts, high-quality engineering and dedicated service ensures overall performance in challenging pumping operations.

The Framo advantage

We see our products through from design to full scale testing at our own production facilities outside Bergen, Norway. Full worldwide support throughout the service life of the products - no matter the problem.

Our strong customer focus has resulted in pumping systems developed in close collaboration with our customers, with the aim to enhance safe, efficient and reliable pumping operations.

Flyttet karrieren fra en av verdens største byer til vestlandsk bygdeliv

26 November

Etter 20 år i Framo byttet Miles Duo travle Shanghai med rolige Fusa, klar for nye utfordringer og livet i hjertet av den norske landsbygda.

Framo donerer medisinsk utstyr til Ukraina

26 November

Da Framo outsourcet bedriftshelsetjenesten, ble brukbart overskuddsutstyr og materiell sendt til Ukraina gjennom hjelpeorganisasjonen Fritt Ukraina, hvor behovet er stort.

120 millioner kroner til unikt EU-prosjekt for slamoppsamling i Hardangerfjorden

13 August

I prosjektet vil oppdrettere fra Hardanger, forskere og industri samle opp slam fra oppdrettsanlegg og måle hvilken påvirkning dette har på miljøet i Hardangerfjorden.

Framo secures contract for Ørsted's offshore wind project in Taiwan

14 November

Statsbygg velger Framos pumpesystemer

26 May

Leveransen omfatter 96 pumper som skal pumpe enorme mengder vann for å skape havstrømmer i havbassenget ved forskningsanlegget.


04 November - 07 November

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